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"Discover my ‘8-factor’ strategy that’s absolutely trounced Bitcoin… plus get my brand new crypto recommendation for FREE…"

Join 7-year crypto investing veteran Khashayar Abbasi for his Crypto with Kash Live Workshop 2.0 at 7PM on Thursday 3rd March to discover…

  • The ‘8-factor’ crypto strategy that has returned £4,000 while Bitcoin has LOST £2,200 since the service launched in March last year… plus uncovered individual coins that went up as much as 1,212%...
  • The name and ‘buy up to price’ of a brand new Crypto with Kash portfolio coin (NOT the coin we shared in previous workshops) that he believes could be his next 10X coin…
  • And a step-by-step walkthrough of the ‘8-factor’ research that proves this coin could blaze from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars

Plus grab these freebies just for turning up…

  • Free download #1: Kash's full newsletter write up for this new coin (including name and ‘buy up to’ price)
  • Free download #2: Cheat sheet for his 8-factor strategy so you can sort the crypto boomers from the duds

And this to keep you going until the event…

  • Free download #3: Kash's Cryptocademy: The Beginner’s Guide To All Things Crypto

Please note: the webinar software we use has a 500 person capacity. So, if you’re interested in attending, please reserve your space sooner rather than later to make sure you're not disappointed.

Enter your email address to reserve your spot today  

No spam pledge: We'll never rent, misuse or abuse your email address. As Crypto With Kash Live Workshop is a free webinar published by MarkPro Trading Ltd (© 2022). When you sign up you will also be automatically subscribed to our free Market Prospectors e-letter. By signing up to our free Crypto With Kash Live Workshop email, you are consenting to receive these promotions and free reports. You can unsubscribe from these publications at any time. See our Privacy Policy.

Hello my crypto curious friend,

My name's Duncan Moreland.

I'm a writer for Market Prospectors, the company that publishes Kash's Crypto With Kash service.

And I'd like to invite you to join me and Kash for the Crypto With Kash Live Workshop 2.0 we're holding at 7PM on Thursday 3rd March.

As you’ll see on the night, this version of the workshop is the strongest, bestest, most value-packed so far… like a fully evolved Pokemon reaching its final form!

That’s because Kash will walk you through his ‘8-factor’ strategy that has returned £4,000 while Bitcoin has LOST £2,200… plus uncovered individual coins that went up as much as 1,212%.

And, here’s the best part…

Kash will be doing this using a real example taken from the Crypto with Kash portfolio.

And, even better, this is a brand new portfolio crypto Kash hasn’t shared with the general public before… it’s not the coin we shared in previous versions of this workshop!

So, that means Kash will…

Give you the name of this new coin…

Walk you through the 8 factors that make him believe it has the potential to be one of the portfolio’s biggest gainers…

Give you his recommended ‘buy up to price’...

And tell you the best exchange to buy it on.

He’ll also share why now, when crypto markets are down, is the best time to get in and buy up the portfolio coins.

This is valuable information members of the Crypto with Kash service are happy to pay £600 per year for…

But tonight you get it for free.

Plus, if you stick around to the end of the workshop, we'll share a link to download Kash's full newsletter write up for this coin… and a cheat sheet for his ‘8-factor’ strategy… both for free too.

After Kash has walked you through his strategy, we'll open up the floor for your questions, which Kash will answer live on air.

You can ask whatever you like about Kash's strategy or the crypto markets in general.

Finally, I'll wrap up the workshop by giving you the opportunity to join the Crypto with Kash community, along with the chance to secure a generous discount if you opt for a longer term membership.

Of course, there's no obligation for you to join.

You can simply take part in the workshop and walk away with Kash's strategy and crypto recommendation.

But, we always like to welcome new members into our community, so the opportunity will be there for you if you do decide you want to join us.

That said, we’re only opening up the doors to 50 new members for this workshop.

That’s because we want to make sure we have the capacity to help each new member get set up as smoothly as possible.

You see, we offer support via email and also our private Telegram community chat group, so obviously if we take on too many people at once we won’t be able to offer everyone the one-to-one help we pride ourselves in offering.

So, just keep that in mind.

If any of that sounds good to you, just get your name down and we'll see you at the event…

Enter your email address to reserve your spot today  

No spam pledge: We'll never rent, misuse or abuse your email address. As Crypto With Kash Live Workshop is a free webinar published by MarkPro Trading Ltd (© 2022). When you sign up you will also be automatically subscribed to our free Market Prospectors e-letter. By signing up to our free Crypto With Kash Live Workshop email, you are consenting to receive these promotions and free reports. You can unsubscribe from these publications at any time. See our Privacy Policy.

Still not sure?

Well, let me spell out just how effective Kash’s strategy has been over the last year…

How Kash absolutely trounced Bitcoin… plus picked individual coins that went up as much as 1,212%

We launched Crypto with Kash almost a year ago, on 26th March 2021.

And Kash made one big, risky promise, which was written in the headline of the promotional material we used at the time…

He promised to uncover cryptos that were “Bigger than Bitcoin”... in other words, would return more profits than just investing in the Big B itself.

And, to put it simply, Kash has more than delivered on this promise…

As I mentioned earlier, since we launched, the Crypto with Kash portfolio has absolutely trounced Bitcoin.

You see, Bitcoin is currently down -22%...

Whereas the Crypto with Kash portfolio is up 40%!

So, if you’d invested £1,000 in Bitcoin on March 26th 2021… you’d be cradling a pitiful £780… having lost £220.

Whereas, if you’d invested that same £1,000 in Kash’s portfolio, you’d be sitting on a very healthy £1,400… a profit of £400.

And, of course, if you’d put more in, say £10,000, you’d currently be sitting on £14,000… a £4,000 profit!

Now, in my opinion that’s very impressive, but it doesn’t actually tell the whole story…

You see, some of the individual gainers we’ve had have been truly whopping!

And, on top of that, Kash also includes ‘lower buy order’ prices in his write ups, alongside the ‘buy up to’ price, which give you the opportunity to pick up some of these coins on the cheap and maximise your gains even further.

Let me quickly give you three examples…

In his 10th newsletter sent to members in August last year, Kash tipped a little-known metaverse crypto that at the time was trading at just 64 cents…

If you haven’t heard of the metaverse before, it’s a broad term for the many online virtual worlds currently being developed in the crypto space.

Maybe you saw Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg’s announcement about rebranding Facebook to Meta?

That’s because they’re pivoting to focus on the metaverse.

Anyay, my point is, the metaverse narrative is taking off big time, and that’s been great news for Kash’s pick…

102 days after he tipped this crypto at 64 cents, it was trading at an all time high of $8.40.

That’s a gain of 1,212%... or 12 times your money, also known as a “12 bagger”.

Or, in monetary terms, you could have turned every £100 invested in this coin into £1,312…

And every £1,000 invested into £13,212.

Seriously good stuff!

Even better, as soon as this crypto had doubled in value plus a little extra, Kash sent out a sell alert to members to sell half the holding.

This meant members could lock in their initial stake, plus a little profit, and then ride the subsequent price action completely risk free.

Here’s another example…

In newsletter 9, sent out to members in July last year, Kash tipped a crypto, which by the way many people still haven’t heard of, when it was trading at just $2.76 cents...

Just 51 days later this crypto was trading at an all time high of $13.78.

That’s a 399% gain, AKA nearly a 4 bagger…

Or, in monetary terms, the ability to turn every £100 into £499.

Or every £1,000 into £4,999.

Again, Kash recommended selling half our holding on the way up to lock in the initial stake, plus some profits, leaving the rest to ride risk free.

And he believes this crypto still has a long way to go.

One more example…

In newsletter 5, which went out in May, Kash recommended an Ethereum-killer, one that wasn’t the obvious main contender at the time.

It was trading at $33.66, and 163 days later it was up to $259.96…

That’s a 672% gain, or a 6 bagger.

Or the opportunity to turn every £100 into £772… and every £1,000 into £7,720.

Of course, not every tip comes off like these.

We’ve had losers too.

But, as I say, overall the portfolio is up.

Again, this was all thanks to Kash's ‘8-factor’ strategy.

So, do you want to learn the 8 factors that make cryptos go boom…

And the name of the next coin Kash thinks could turn £100 into £1,000… £1,000 into £12,000… and £10,000 into £120,000?

Then make sure you join us for the live workshop at 7PM on Thursday 3rd March

Enter your email address to reserve your spot today  

No spam pledge: We'll never rent, misuse or abuse your email address. As Crypto With Kash Live Workshop is a free webinar published by MarkPro Trading Ltd (© 2021). When you sign up you will also be automatically subscribed to our free Market Prospectors e-letter. By signing up to our free Crypto With Kash Live Workshop email, you are consenting to receive these promotions and free reports. You can unsubscribe from these publications at any time. See our Privacy Policy.

As you might expect, with profits like this, Kash's Crypto with Kash members have a lot of very nice things to say about him…

Graham made 47% in a single day

Crypto with Kash community member Graham celebrated making a 47% return in a single day… gains you don't see from most stocks even in a year…

Graham also made some super impressive slightly longer term gains, cashing out a 214% profit and leaving the rest of his holdings to ride even higher…

And Marco cashed out half of another position with 305% gains…

Paul summed up the gains from this particular portfolio coin best when he said: "truly unbelievable, what a tip this was"...

No wonder Glenda says Kash sends out sell alerts "with incredible accuracy"...

Of course, the first step to locking in these kinds of returns is to first make sure you're picking coins with big upside potential, which is what Kash will show you at the workshop.

Just get your name down and we'll see you on the night…

Paul summed it up best when he said: "truly unbelievable, what a tip this was"...

And, as I say, there were 6 more picks that performed similarly.

No wonder Glenda says Kash sends out sell alerts "with incredible accuracy"...

Now, doubling your money, or making 200%, or 300% gains might not sound like a lot compared to thousands of percent… but, if you're picking the right coins, over time "smaller profits" like these (if you can call them that) can spiral into multi-thousand percent gains, just like we saw with BNB.

But, again, only if you're picking the coins with that kind of upside potential, which is what Kash will show you how to do at the workshop.

Just get your name down and we'll see you at the event…

Enter your email address to reserve your spot today

No spam pledge: We'll never rent, misuse or abuse your email address. As Crypto With Kash Live Workshop is a free webinar published by MarkPro Trading Ltd (© 2022). When you sign up you will also be automatically subscribed to our free Market Prospectors e-letter. By signing up to our free Crypto With Kash Live Workshop email, you are consenting to receive these promotions and free reports. You can unsubscribe from these publications at any time. See our Privacy Policy.
Crypto With Kash Live Workshop is an unregulated webinar published by MarkPro Trading Ltd. 

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